We recently went up to Smith's Lake near Forster for a couple of nights and stayed in a holiday house with Desie and Tim, Lauren and Aidan. It was such a nice place - except for some HUGE cocaroaches!! The lake was perfect for the girls to swim in, and the boys tried some fishing. Paul caught a small flathead which he cooked up on the BBQ.
I love that Hannah gets on so well with Lauren. They never fight and play so well together. Hannah was so looking forward to seeing Lauren, it's a shame we don't get to see each other more often.

There was a fruit bat colony behind the holiday houses and at dusk they went out on the hunt and it was amazing to watch them flying over the house... a bit spooky though, and stinky.
After Smith's Lake we stayed at Loesje's for one night and then went on to stay at the

Colonial Ridge Resort at Salamander Bay in Port Stephens. It was a pretty nice cabin and we were right next to the pool so that was handy. The girls were very good and settled easily into their new room.
We spent a day at the marina in Nelson Bay.

It was a nice spot and the little

beaches there are perfect for little kids.

There was a massive storm brewing and we headed back to the resort early.

Paul tried some more fishing off a jetty but no luck :(
All in all it was a nice relaxing stay and we really enjoyed and needed it.
We went back to Loesje's for another couple of nights to keep her company and to help out a bit. I finished off the mowing which was a workout and a half! She's doing it tough with the three kids and trying to maintain the property and the household. I don't think I could cope on my own. The kids had fun although Hannah and Annaleah don't play so well together. I don't know what it is with those two, they just constantly clashed and one or the other ended up crying. It was a bit annoying.

Elijah is obsessed with eagles at the moment and I still have to finish drawing his Red Kite for him... sorry it's taking so long 'Lij. Korey is such a thoughtful little boy. He is always picking flowers for me and on the last day he drew a beautiful picture of a flower for me to take home. He's a sweety. Annaleah has really come out of her shell and is a little chatterbox. They were all very interested in Ailey and loved entertaining her when she was on the floor, so hopefully they will be helpful with that part when the new baby arrives.

Kissah was very very excited to see us when we finally got home. Wim was feeding and walking him everday but he must get soooo lonely when we are gone. Poor thing. Hopefully we can bring him with us next time we go up to Loo's. Our grass was so long!!! All the rain. Anyway, it's good to be home.... ahhhhhhh.